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Diese faszinierende Darstellung zeigt eine Eule in einem einzigartigen geometrischen Kunststil. Die lebendigen Farben – darunter Violett, Blau, Rot und Gold – verleihen dem Bild...
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The coast of California, part of the Golden State, stretches for 800 miles along the Pacific Ocean and offers breathtaking cliffs, beaches and the famous Pacific Ocean.
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California, often called The Golden State, has a rich history of gold and sunshine. The discovery of gold in 1848 sparked...
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Anderson Design Group has designed this classic camping poster in the tradition of the Golden Age of poster art. This retro-style rendition makes a great...
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Did you know that Canada has 47 national parks to offer? One of them is Jasper National Park. Centered around Mount Columbia - the highest point of the...
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Das Canyon de Chelly National Monument im Nordosten von Arizona ist ein Ort von großer natürlicher Schönheit und kultureller Bedeutung. Das Monument bewahrt jahrhundertealte Ruinen...
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In Canyonlands National Park, -River View- offers a spectacular view of the mighty rivers that have cut deep into the rocks, creating impressive...
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Der Canyonlands-Nationalpark im Südosten Utahs ist bekannt für seine dramatische Wüstenlandschaft, die hoch aufragenden Felsformationen und die riesigen Canyons, die von den Flüssen Colorado und...
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In Capitol Reef National Park, the -Falcon Roost- shows a peregrine falcon perched on a ledge overlooking its territory. The scene is characterized...
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Erleben Sie die atemberaubende Schönheit des Carlsbad Caverns Nationalparks in einer faszinierenden Darstellung des berühmten Big Room. Filigrane Kalksteinformationen, Stalaktiten und Stalagmiten formen eine andere...
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The 1950s and 60s were a unique era for design, fashion, illustration and pop culture. We designed the Mod Collection to capture the groove, the jive...
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Die Zentralafrikanische Republik liegt im Herzen Afrikas und ist bekannt für ihre reiche biologische Vielfalt und ihre weiten, unberührten Landschaften. Das Land verfügt über dichte...
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Adolphe Philippe Millot (1857-1921) was a highly skilled French artist renowned for his exceptional botanical illustrations. Among his notable works, the drawing -Champignons - Mushrooms...
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Experience the essence of Channel Islands National Park with this vintage illustration by Arden von Haeger. It shows a whale majestically skimming the surface of the sea...
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Chantilly Castle illuminated by a beautiful sunset
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Tauchen Sie ein in den zeitlosen Charme von Charleston, South Carolina, wo historische Straßen von farbenfrohen pastellfarbenen Gebäuden und sich wiegenden Palmen gesäumt sind. Dieses...
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St. Philip's Church is a historic church in Charleston, South Carolina, known for its impressive colonial-style architecture. As an important part of the cultural...
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Wisteria path in the garden of the Château de la Chatonnière
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Chicago's impressive skyline stretches along picturesque Lake Michigan and offers a fascinating blend of modern and historic architecture. The Chicago Skyline...
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The Fountain of Light, also known as Buckingham Fountain, is an impressive landmark in the heart of Chicago's Grant Park. The fountain is surrounded by an impressive...
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The Magic Bean, officially known as Cloud Gate, is an impressive work of art by Anish Kapoor located in Millennium Park in Chicago, Illinois. This...
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Der Millennium Park im Herzen der Innenstadt von Chicago, Illinois, ist ein lebendiger Stadtpark, der für seine modernen Kunstinstallationen, Gärten und Konzertveranstaltungen bekannt ist. Er...
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Chicago, am südwestlichen Ufer des Michigansees gelegen, ist eine pulsierende Metropole, die für ihre ikonische Skyline, ihre lebendige Kultur und ihre malerische Uferpromenade bekannt ist....
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When we think of Chicago, our thoughts always return to the beautiful lakefront. Since Chicago is located at the southern end of Lake Michigan, the...

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